Install and Configure JMF (Java Media Framework) on your computer

1. Download JMF from SUN.
2. Install download file.  In this case the program was installed into C:\Program Files (x86)\JMF2.1.1e
3. Configure environment variables.
3.1 set  JMFHOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\JMF2.1.1e
3.2 set CLASSPATH=%JMFHOME%\lib\jmf.jar;%JMFHOME%\lib\sound.jar;%CLASSPATH%
4. Diagnose the installation of your copy of the JMF by running the following JavaApplet:

If you are usingIDE like Eclipse, instead of installing this package into your computer you can just import the package into your project.

Install and Configure JMF (Java Media Framework) on your computer

1. Download JMF from SUN.
2. Install download file.  In this case the program was installed into C:\Program Files (x86)\JMF2.1.1e
3. Configure environment variables.
3.1 set  JMFHOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\JMF2.1.1e
3.2 set CLASSPATH=%JMFHOME%\lib\jmf.jar;%JMFHOME%\lib\sound.jar;%CLASSPATH%
4. Diagnose the installation of your copy of the JMF by running the following JavaApplet:

If you are usingIDE like Eclipse, instead of installing this package into your computer you can just import the package into your project.

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