Linux command for file view: more, less, head, tail, cat

1) more = to view a text file one page at a time, press spacebar to go to the next page

more filename : show the document one page at a time

more -num filename : show the document page few lines as specified bu (-num)

example : more -10 filename will show 10 lines for every page


2) less = is much the same as more command except:

a) You can navigate the page up/down using the less command and not possible in more command.

b) You can search a string in less command. (use /keywordto search)

c) “more” was fairly limited, and additional development on “more” had stopped

d) it uses same functions as vi editor

the usage : less filename


3) head = displays the first ten lines of a file, unless otherwise stated.


head myfile.txt – Would display the first ten lines of myfile.txt.

head -15 myfile.txt – Would display the first fifteen lines of myfile.txt.


4) tail = display the last part of the file

usage : tail filename

tail -n filename : display the last n lines of the file


5) cat = can be used to join multiple files together and print the result on screen (it will not show page by page)


cat 01.txt
to displat the contents of file 01.txt

cat 01.txt 02.txt
to display the contents of both files

cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt – Reads file1.txt and file2.txt and  combines those files to make

cat note5 >> notes – attach note5 to notes

cat >> file1 – add additional data in file1

Linux command for file view: more, less, head, tail, cat

1) more = to view a text file one page at a time, press spacebar to go to the next page

more filename : show the document one page at a time

more -num filename : show the document page few lines as specified bu (-num)

example : more -10 filename will show 10 lines for every page


2) less = is much the same as more command except:

a) You can navigate the page up/down using the less command and not possible in more command.

b) You can search a string in less command. (use /keywordto search)

c) “more” was fairly limited, and additional development on “more” had stopped

d) it uses same functions as vi editor

the usage : less filename


3) head = displays the first ten lines of a file, unless otherwise stated.


head myfile.txt – Would display the first ten lines of myfile.txt.

head -15 myfile.txt – Would display the first fifteen lines of myfile.txt.


4) tail = display the last part of the file

usage : tail filename

tail -n filename : display the last n lines of the file


5) cat = can be used to join multiple files together and print the result on screen (it will not show page by page)


cat 01.txt
to displat the contents of file 01.txt

cat 01.txt 02.txt
to display the contents of both files

cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt – Reads file1.txt and file2.txt and  combines those files to make

cat note5 >> notes – attach note5 to notes

cat >> file1 – add additional data in file1

Empty Trash Bin from Command Line

If you can not empty your trash bin due to some permission error as a regular user, you can do it use command in terminal

sudo rm -rf  ~/.Trash/

Empty Trash Bin from Command Line

If you can not empty your trash bin due to some permission error as a regular user, you can do it use command in terminal

sudo rm -rf  ~/.Trash/

Use Array/reference as argument for Perl sub-routine


sub getarrays{

    my(@a,@b) = @_;




@fruit = qw(apples oranges banana);

@veggies = qw(carrot cabbage turnip);

getarrays(@fruit, @veggies);

上面这段代码我们预期 @fruit 会赋值给@a,@veggies赋值给@b,但其实结果不是那样的。

在调用getarrays(@fruit, @veggies)的时候,其把参数@fruit 和 @veggies压缩到单个数组@_中。


我们根本无法知道一个数组何时结束 以及下一个数组何时开始,因为我们只知道@_.


sub getarrays{

    my($fruit_ref,$veg_ref) = @_;




@fruit = qw(apples oranges banana);

@veggies = qw(carrot cabbage turnip);

getarrays(\@fruit, \@veggies);



sub getarrays{

    my($fruit_ref,$veg_ref) = @_;

print "Fruit:" ,join(',', @$fruit_ref);

print "Veggies:",join(',', @veggies_ref);





Use Array/reference as argument for Perl sub-routine


sub getarrays{

    my(@a,@b) = @_;




@fruit = qw(apples oranges banana);

@veggies = qw(carrot cabbage turnip);

getarrays(@fruit, @veggies);

上面这段代码我们预期 @fruit 会赋值给@a,@veggies赋值给@b,但其实结果不是那样的。

在调用getarrays(@fruit, @veggies)的时候,其把参数@fruit 和 @veggies压缩到单个数组@_中。


我们根本无法知道一个数组何时结束 以及下一个数组何时开始,因为我们只知道@_.


sub getarrays{

    my($fruit_ref,$veg_ref) = @_;




@fruit = qw(apples oranges banana);

@veggies = qw(carrot cabbage turnip);

getarrays(\@fruit, \@veggies);



sub getarrays{

    my($fruit_ref,$veg_ref) = @_;

print "Fruit:" ,join(',', @$fruit_ref);

print "Veggies:",join(',', @veggies_ref);





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