Here comes how to enable them
Open a terminal >> Go to Edit (on terminal menu) >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> Uncheck "Enable menu access keys (such as ....)"
Open a terminal >> Go to Edit (on terminal menu) >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> Uncheck "Enable menu access keys (such as ....)"
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
apt-get install cups-pdf
sudo crontab -eSet "MAILTO=" on top of yout first command to be executed. And add ">/dev/null" to the end of each command. Here is my example:
#run emen2 local backup everyday at 1am and sync with production server everyday at 3am MAILTO=your_email_address 0 1 * * * /home/user/cronjobs/ > /dev/null 0 3 * * * /home/user/cronjobs/ > /dev/nullRestart cront using command
sudo /etc/init.d/cron restartHere is a very good example of explaing what
# Print cat file_name | tr " " "\n"| sort | uniq # Count cat file_name | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq -c # tr " " "\n" used here to replace space with newline, what it does is to put every word separated by space into a line
sed -n '/TITLE/p' history.txt | sed -n '/DVD/!p' | awk '{FS="/"; print $1 }' | awk '{FS=" "; print $2}'By default sed will print anything from the original file.
-n '/TITLE/p'
will let sed print only lines contain 'TITLE'. -n '/DVD/!p'
will further suppress lines contains 'DVD' awk '{FS="/"; print $1 }
will remove the author information from titleawk '{FS=" "; print $2}'
will print out only the title of the book.
vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local # type in your script at the bottom of this fileIf you want to start and shutdown the program along with the system, you might need to create a service using chkconfig. To do so,
# create file( you need root privilege to do) cd /etc/init.d/ vim emen2and add the followings to the file
#!/bin/sh #chkconfig: 235 80 05 #description: EMEN2 database server #source function library EMEN2_HOME=/srv/EMAN2 if [ ! -f $EMEN2_HOME/eman2.bashrc ] then echo "EMEN2 startup: cannot start, missing eman2.bashrc" exit fi case "$1" in "start") echo -n "Start emen2 service" source $EMEN2_HOME/eman2.bashrc # To run it as root $EMEN2_HOME/Python/bin/emen2ctl start -h /srv/db_env -e default,site,em --port 8080 # Or to run it as dedicated user /bin/su - username -c $EMEN2_HOME/Python/bin/emen2start echo "." ;; "stop") echo - n "Stop emen2 service" source $EMEN2_HOME/eman2.bashrc # To run it as root $EMEN2_HOME/Python/bin/emen2ctl stop -h /srv/db_env -e default,site,em --port 8080 # Or to run it as dedicated user /bin/su - username -c $EMEN2_HOME/Python/bin/emen2stop echo "." ;; *) echo "Usage: /sbin/service emen2 {start|stop}" exit 1 esac exit 0
chmod a+x emen2
3. add the newly created service to the start up list by
/sbin/chkconfig/emen2 on
When you use ```datatables.min.css``` and ```datatables.min.js``` locally, instead of datatables CDN, you may have encountered that ```sort...