Install VMD on Ubuntu

1. Register and download the suitable version of VMD from
In my case I choosed:
AMD64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit AMD or Intel EM64T x86) with hardware OpenGL)
2. Open downloaded package and check the configure file, and make sure that the installed path is: install_bin_dir="/usr/local/bin".
3.In terminal type in
cd src
sudo make install
4. after finish, type in vmd in terminal to check whether you can run it. In my case I got an error something like: bash: vmd: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
If you have the same error you probably also need install csh from Synaptic Package Manager.

1)To install csh: go to synaptic package manager, type in csh to find csh related package
2) right click and choose "mark for installation". Then apply.
Then you can try again in the terminal by typing vmd.


  1. i did that still its not working ...
    the error is
    cp : cannot stat '../lib/surf/surf_LINUXPPC64': no such file or directory

    i dont know why it is not creating this file.

    if you have any idea please reply me to


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