Running Hadoop on Clusters of Two Nodes using Ubuntu and CentOS

Here is an example of running Hadoop on a dummy cluster. For references of how to set up Hadoop on one computer, please visit Install Hadoop 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Two Linux computers one is running Ubuntu and the other one is running CentOS.To test the cluster configuration I used Ubuntu as master and slave and CentOS as slave only. Here is a summary of what I did. Section One: Install and configuration
Daemons for master nodes (Ubuntu):
Daemons for slave node (CentOS):
1. Download and install Hadoop on both computers, make sure they are intalled into the same locations (highly recommend) by following my previous post.
2. Edit /etc/hosts to add host names for each computer and make sure that you can ping each other by host names.
2.1 for the master node make sure that your host names is listed behind your external ip not, to make sure that DataNodes could find NameNode.
use sudo netstat -tuplen to verify. host file for master node/Ubuntu       localhost ncw01111 # adding here for preventing internal binding
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
host file for slave node/CentOS       ncw02222 localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 ncw01111 # I added master node ip and host name here when I have problem pinging master node. # at that time my Ubuntu host name has not been put into dns server
2.2 Set passwordless SSH for each computer, so they can talk to each other without password. 3. make configuration for master, Ubuntu in this case: 3.1 Edit master and slave file located in conf folder of the master node (NOTE: For master node only)
# Edit master file
sudo vim $HADOOP_PREFIX/conf/masters
# then add ncw01111 into the file
# Edit salve file
sudo vim $HADOOP_PREFIX/conf/slaves
# then add ncw01111 and ncw02222 into the files
# one host name per line
4. Edit configuration files: the configuration files, core-site.xml, mapred-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml are all the same for all the computers within the cluster. 4.1 core-site.xml


4.2 mapred-site.xml



4.3 hdfs-site.xml


5. Format the HDFS file system
hadoop namenode -format
6. Start the cluster
# or, use the following start up sequence
then use jsp check the daemons
# master node, Ubuntu
9700 SecondaryNameNode
10093 TaskTracker
9169 NameNode
10367 Jps
9808 JobTracker
9432 DataNode
#slave node, CentOS
26392 Jps
26201 TaskTracker
26095 DataNode
Please note, results from jps could not guarantee that your cluster has no problem. I had an issue that DataNode could not connect to NameNode (Problem 1 in the following problems and solution section ), I still could get the correct output from jps. Therefore, always look at your log files to see if there is any problem. if you see all your nodes of your cluster from here http://ncw01111:50030/machines.jsp?type=active your cluster might be good. 7. Put data into cluster and run a MapReduce job I used 99 years' NOAA data as an example, total 263G. They were preprocessed into a single file for each year, for example 1901.all. 7.1 put the data into cluster
gzip -c $year | hadoop fs -put - noaa/cluster/`basename $year.gz`
7.2 run the python version of the mapreduce on noaa data
# do not use relative paths in the following command (see problem and solution #2)
hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-1.1.2/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.1.2.jar -mapper /home/bee/projects/hadoop/ -reducer /home/bee/projects/hadoop/ -input /user/bee/noaa/cluster/ -output /user/bee/noaa/cluster_out
7.3 Running results comparison for 99 years' NOAA data. 7.1 Time respect Single node (Ubuntu only): Finished in: 59mins, 42sec Two Nodes Cluster (Ubuntu and CentOS): Finished in: 60mins, 12sec Two Nodes Cluster (Ubuntu and CentOS and using combiner): Finished in: 34mins, 12sec 7.2 Check results in HDFS
hadoop dfs -tail noaa/cluster_out/part-00000
1901    317
1902    244
1999    568
7.3 Retrieve the job result from HDFS
hadoop dfs -copyToLocal noaa/cluster_out/part-00000 /home/bee/projects/hadoop/output/cluster_out

Section 2: Problem and Solution
1. Error message: 2013-09-05 15:12:26,822 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: ncw01111/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMax imumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1 SECONDS)
when you check your port opening with netstat you found that your port 54310 is binding to a internal ip ( tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN 1001 624829 24900/java
check you /etc/hosts file make sure that your hostname is not listed after or
Put your external IP and hostname pair in hosts file if it doe not exist. Re-check the port now: tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN 1001 624829 24900/java

2. Error message: # of failed Map Tasks exceed allowed limit error. # ERROR streaming.StreamJob: Job not successful. Error: # of failed Map Tasks exceeded allowed limit. FailedCount: 1. error.
Go to master:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=XXXXX(You can find it from your Hadoop output) to look for the real error. After debugging I found an IO error in my case.
Fix: Fix any relative paths in your job request with absolute paths when you using Hadoop streaming with python mapper and reducer.

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