Highlight Search Keyword in Oracle Apex 5

Follow the steps below:
1. Copy and paste the following JavaScript to the page "Function and Global Variable Declaration" section

2. Add the following style sheet to the page CSS inline section:
.highlight { background-color: yellow }

3. Create interactive report, set static id: highlight_report
4. Create two dynamic actions for the interactive report region
4.1 before refresh: 
Name: before refresh
Event: Before refresh
Region: is your interactive region
True Action: execute JavaScript Code

gv_search = $('#highlight_report_search_field').val()

4.2 After refresh
Name: after refresh
Event: After refresh
Region: is your interactive region
True Action: execute JavaScript Code

if (gv_search) {

Demo, go to use demo/demo and choose "Highlight Search Field"


  1. Not able to login into demo application.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. Problem has been fixed.


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