Use IcoMoon to create Font Awesome style icon fonts and use with Apex 5

Create Font in IcoMoon

1. Go to IcoMoon online application website.
2. Click import icons to upload your own icon to the application and they are must in SVG format.

3. Once they are uploaded, click the icons you want to included into the font file. You could also choose some free icons provided by IcoMoon.

4. Click Generate Font button at bottom right, in the next page, click download.

Before downloading, you could also make some configuration adjustments by clicking Preferences.

Use Icons in Apex 5
1. Go to your apex 5 application, find "Static Applications Files" under Shared Components. Upload the downloaded zip file from IcoMoon. Choose unzip file, yes.

2. Look for the reference for style.css in these uploaded static files, #APP_IMAGES#style.css
in my case and copy it to: User interface >> Themes >> Universal theme (or the one you are using)>>JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets >>CSS File URLs section

3. To use, put the class in <i> tag, for example

select '<i class="im im-pharmacy" style="color:green; font-size:40px;"></i>' display_icon, 'Pharmacy' display_word from dual;

Apex 5: failed to parse SQL query in Classic Report

I tried to use Classic Report in a single row vertical display in Apex 5. When visit the page, it shows the following error:

failed to parse SQL query:

ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

Everything was fine about the SQL query. After checking around, I found uncheck the "sort" checkbox for every column in "Report Attributes" page will fix the error.
Apex 5: How to fix column width for interactive report

1. Set a static ID for the column which you want to set the width

2. Add css setting to the inline section of page CSS settings

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