Chado and postgreSQL: ERROR: function create_point(integer, integer) does not exist

I have two chado databases installed locally. One is individually installed the other one is installed insideTripal.

While I am running queries with the Chado database which is installed inside Tripal, it gives me some error message sometimes,

ERROR:  function create_point(integer, integer) does not exist

To solve this problem I have to create the functions by myself. it seems that the funsctin were not preloaded into the Chado schema insides tripal.

Query I issued on this database:

SELECT feature.uniquename FROM chado.feature LEFT JOIN chado.featureloc fl ON (chado.feature.feature_id = fl.feature_id)LEFT JOIN chado.feature srcf ON (fl.srcfeature_id = srcf.feature_id) WHERE = 'IncAC_plasmid_SH163';



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