Use Values from APEX Checkbox with IN Opearator in SQL where clause

In my Oracle Apex application, I am using a checkbox to filter query results. The idea query should look like:
select * from emp e where e.job in :P1_JOB_CHECKBOX;
However when I put this query string in report region of my application, nothing shows up. Upon checking the return value of P1_JOB_CHECKBOX, I noticed the returning string is "MANAGER:CLERK".


Use PL/SQL process to put jobs into an Apex collection.

1. Define a process "Process Checkboxes" at Page Processing section of  page 1 using "On Submit - Before Computations and Validations" as process point.
2. Put the following into the source section of the process
    JOB_Checkbox_array apex_application_global.vc_arr2;

    JOB_Checkbox_array := apex_util.string_to_table (:P1_JOB_CHECKBOX, ':');
    apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection ('P1_JOB');
    apex_collection.add_members ('P1_JOB', JOB_Checkbox_array);


3. Modify the query string in active report region
select * from emp e where e.job in (select c001 from apex_collections where collection_name = 'P1_JOB');

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